Gambling Addiction

Therefore, a casino that takes responsible gambling seriously will have clear policies that are in line with the casino’s licensing guidelines and those established by international accreditation agencies such as eCogra. Part of this responsible approach will include providing players with support and access to services in order to address problems, such as online links or freephone telephone numbers to charities and gambling support organisations that help to counsel problem gamblers.
In addition, online casinos should offer players self-exclusion periods (minimum 6 months) and cooling off periods (minimum 24 hours) as a means of enabling players who identify themselves as having a problem time away from the casino in order to seek help. As further support, a reputable online casino will also help players to establish limits on the amount of money they can deposit into their accounts (either daily, weekly or monthly) or, if necessary, work with a player or to lock their accounts (or the accounts of family members) for set periods of time.
A further part of a casino’s responsible gaming policy also concerns their approach to under-age gambling. Therefore, players should only play at casinos that have verification checks when they open a new account, so the casino can check the person opening the account is over 18 years of age. A casino that doesn’t have these checks in place is not one that can be trusted to take its responsibilities to tackling gambling addiction seriously. In addition, a casino with a proper responsible gambling policy will also provide its players with links where they can download filters that stop children from accessing gaming sites. As an example of an online casino that has an effective and clear responsible gaming policy, players are advised to visit Online Casinos.
Online gaming is intended to be a fun and enjoyable pastime, but the industry does recognise that in some instances players play with money they can’t afford, or find themselves unable to control their gambling to the extent that it becomes an addiction. In this situation, reputable online casinos have mechanisms in place that can help a player to prevent their problem from growing worse, and so players should always avoid online casinos that don’t take their responsibilities in this regard seriously.
If you are concerned that you might face a potential problem with an addiction to gambling, there are some very useful guidelines to bear in mind. Remember that gambling in an online casino is meant to be a form of entertainment, not an income. If you do play online, than please visit the Home Page for more guidelines on safe play, and keep track of how much money and time you spend, and don’t play with money you can’t afford or chase your losses.
The Growing Trend of Mobile Gambling
Recently, this has taken a further step than just at home on your computer. Like everything else, gambling is becoming a mobile concept. Whether you’re updating your fantasy team on the go or putting in a bet on the big game, there are apps and websites that allow all kinds of bets to be placed from wherever you are.
International online gambling revenues are valued at $32 billion (that’s billion with a B) and are estimated by Juniper Research to exceed $100 billion by 2017. This doesn’t specify the percentage of which that is done from mobile devices such as smart phones or tablets. Currently, Zynga, the company responsible for such games as Farmville and its ilk, Maffia Wars and Words with Friends launched a real money gambling site in the U.K. in 2012 which had 770 million Euro in revenue inthat year. Several international sports book companies have several legal agreements in the US that allow them to operate in the country while based overseas.
Back in 2005 The Guardian reported about the growing mobile gaming trend. In the article it states, “Java-enabled graphics, colour-filled screens, technology that invoices on the monthly phone bill, and 3G networking combine to provide a service that rivals traditional gambling methods.” If this is true, then why haven’t we heard of any mobile gambling apps in the states in the nine years since the report?
Federal Prohibition
In 2006 the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act was signed into law and used to aggressively pursue several online gambling groups. One of the most notable cases was U.S. v. Scheinbergin which PokerStars online casino and two other defendants settled with prosecutors for the forfeiture of more than $731 million. These actions all but shuttered the internet gambling business and preempted the possibility of mobile, real-money gaming in the USA. This is largely because the internet is inherently available across state lines. However, there are signs that mobile gaming will eventually come to involve real-money gambling.
State Based Legality
States like New Jersey, Delaware and Nevada have gotten around this prohibition through a minor loophole. The UIGEA doesn’t regulate internet casinos that operate entirely within the boundaries of an individual state. Slate reports on the formation of an agreement between Delaware and Nevada that allows residents of either state to use sites that are operated in each other’s borders.
Slate goes on to predict that other states will be interested in establishing their own legal online casinos and seek to join the agreement. If this comes to pass it would create a situation in which developers could create applications that will utilize this framework in any states that join the party. From there, the UIGEA would be applicable only to states that decline to join and create a situation that de facto eliminates the agreement.
If this is all true, the creation of online casinos accessible by smart phone or tablet application is around the corner and dependent on the willingness of state legislators. There would be a distinct willingness on the part of many game developers like Zynga, or anyone in the $12-billion mobile gaming industry, to create a programming framework for the states by which this could happen. Currently, it’s great news for anyone who wants to gamble outside of a brick and mortar casino in places like New Jersey, Nevada and Delaware but will likely come to include those who want to game on the go in those locations.
Overall, the outlook is good for anyone who’s interested in mobile online gaming as it promises to grow as individual states seek to get a piece of the pie. However, in spite of the unavailability of mobile gaming, or online gaming in general, in most locations there are still several poker and sports betting sites, to use. Interstate gambling may come to be a powerhouse as people continue to get access to it but there also may be a fight to be had between the Federal government and state governments regarding the potential application of UIGEA to these new interstate agreements.
Top 3 incredibly useful poker apps that will change the way you play
With this modern age of smart phones becoming more complex and powerful every single day, there are fantastic apps getting developed and released at a rate of knots.
Take advantage of the plethora of electronic devices and apps that are available to improve your game – you can bet that your opponents probably already are!
Top 3 Apps
• My Stack
A poker chip calculator that is popular with both professionals and novices. Log on to the network and you can leave comments, talk to the other users and even share photos.
The best feature of this app allows you to update your chip stack, and keep up to date with how much you have spent or won.
The app is absolutely perfect for playing in tournaments, when you can be playing intensively for eight hours or more.
It helps you keep track of what’s going on the table, when you perhaps don’t have the time and energy to think about all aspects of the game. It means you can focus on the stuff that matters – winning. Download it from here.
• Hold ‘Em Genius
This is one of the more pricey poker apps available, but one that allows a free trial so you can try before you buy.
Although it may seem like an expensive investment, if you are a beginner or intimidate player at the Texas Hold ‘Em pokerstyle and you want an app that is really going to make a difference to the way you play - the Hold ‘Em Genius is perfect for you.
One of the most complex hand assessment apps that is available, Hold ‘Em Genius will tell you the odds of winning, potential poker hands that you can play, and the possible options of the other players at the table.
Although the basic software itself may be free, there is a charge to gain access to the full account. Once you pay, you have an account for a whole year, so you can use it as many times as you want or need. Download it here.
• PKR 3D
Really, the best and most advanced poker app around. There are so many convenient options, like being able to play in 3D realism with full customization.
PKR is one of the top poker websites in the UK, and is much more geared up to the European market rather than the US one.
Play for real money in a setting that is full of players from all talents and levels. And it really is the most realistic game face that you are going to get outside of actually real life playing.
You can play on a variety of devices including tablet, phone and laptop – you so can play every day, anywhere you want.
The Funny Bingo Card
Bingo cards are the fun accessories people use when they are getting ready to play an exciting round of the game. In many versions, especially the most well-known classic version played in schools and church basements across the country, the cards are premade and are given at random to participants. In other versions, the players may have more say over what letter and number combinations are represented on their cards.
While many cards come on a standard stock piece of paper with plain backgrounds and slots labeled with numbers and letters such as E7 or G8, sometimes game players enjoy designing or ordering fun cards to celebrate particular occasions or just to make the game more entertaining. Here are a few popular versions that have been used.
Road trip Bingo
Keeping children, and even some adults entertained during a long trip in the car can be difficult. It is even harder when the questions of “are we there yet?” begin before the trip is even halfway completed, or when a chorus of “99 bottles of beer on the wall” begins and cannot be drowned out by the radio. In either scenario, various versions of road trip bingo can be the perfect solution. The pictorial representations of the slots make it easy for children and adults of all ages to play, and the competition helps to keep it interesting. The participants look to cross items off on their cards by spotting them out the window as they travel, with the first to reach bingo is the victor.
Award Show Bingo
Although shows such as the Academy Awards and the Oscars already come with a long list of drinking games and other entertaining ways to pass the time, bingo is another great option. The variety of bingo cards that can be played include spaces with clues such as “winner claims to have not prepared a speech”, or “Sean Connery sighting”. They are entertaining ways to keep an entire party laughing and having a good time throughout the show.
Bingo for landmark events or interviews
One popular bingo card that popped up on the radar was displayed during the famous interview of Lance Armstrong by Oprah. Many people tuned in to see if they would finally be able to get ‘the truth’ about what was going on. Since many people also felt that the whole situation was a little ridiculous, given the number of years that had passed, the number of lies and investigations done over the years, the bingo card was generated to give people an opportunity to have a little fun while watching the moment in history.
Jackpotjoy bingo not only is an entertaining game in itself, it also can be used to provide entertainment and poke fun at various events and situations. People enjoy being able to have a light hearted laugh, and these entertaining, original bingo cards provide just that opportunity. You can check bingo sites comparing and much more.The Time is Right for Gambling Addiction Treatment
With substance abuse, there are undeniable physical signs of addiction. The effects of compulsive gambling are more subtle. The attack is directed more towards psychology and the wallet. Of course, the results of any kind of addiction includes loss of family, friends, money, personal belongings, safety, freedom and/or self-respect.
It is very important to be careful not to condemn the gambling industry because of issues related to compulsive gambling. Gambling is perfectly legal and a legitimate form of entertainment for those people who can do it responsibly. There will always be individuals who are prone to some type of compulsive behavior and the excitement produced by gambling lends itself to someone losing control.
Gambling is not going away anytime soon. In fact, the availability of gambling is increasing exponentially as more jurisdictions legalize all forms of gambling as a means of garnering tax revenues. What is needed to counteract the possible effects of gambling on society and the compulsive gambler is education and an increase in treatment options.
It is incumbent on gaming providers and lawmakers to help educate the public on the possible signs and effects of problem gambling. There must be a willingness on the part of gaming providers to say "no" to potential compulsive gamblers, much the same way as a bartender will say "no" to a drunk. On top of that, responsible gambling should be promoted and gaming providers should try to discourage gamblers from gambling and betting too much. There also needs to be laws in place to help family members protect their addicted love ones from creating more destruction in their lives.
The most important improvement needed is the availability of treatment options for compulsive gamblers. There are numerous support groups such as Gamblers Anonymous that provide some support and guidance for people who are combating a gambling problem, But, these groups are not prepared to deal with the psychological and personal aspects of the disease. The world is desperately in need of more trained mental health professionals to help address the causes and effects of this disease. This need extends to the need for more inpatient facilities for the treatment of gambling addiction.
There are no quick fixes to problem gambling for the individual inflicted with this horrible disease. The treatment and arresting of this disease will require unrelenting diligence plus the undying support of family friends and a responsible gambling industry that cares about more than the bottom line.
Unique Gambling addiction treatment options
If you are one of those people who is suffering from gambling addiction and are looking for ways that will help you to get rid of the condition, then you must know that there are several treatment options available, which help you to get rid of your condition. Some of the treatment options that help to eliminate this unique disorder are discussed below: Self-control: This is in fact one of the proven and the best treatment option that an individual suffering from gambling addiction can follow. When you have control on your impulse about gambling, then half the battle is won as you will yourself stop visiting gambling shops and will bring yourself out of the condition. Support Groups: The best way to get rid of gambling addiction is to join support groups that help people to get rid of their gambling addiction. There are various support groups, which work collectively and help people suffering from gambling addiction to come out of their condition. Socialize: There is no better alternative to come out of your gambling addiction then to socialize. Socializing helps you to divert your mind from gambling and automatically brings you out of your condition. These unique treatment options when followed can help you to get rid of your condition. You can try online gambling, which is a enjoyable yet safe and responsible, and operates in a controlled environment.
Attributes of Gambling Addiction
Getting to grips with the Basics of Online Bingo
However, the idea of playing online can be quite off-putting to those without a tech-know-how, and can therefore take the fun out of the game. But if you arm yourself with a few handy tips, you can soon get to grips with the basics and will be playing online bingo like a pro in no time.
We’ve out together a few tips and ideas for doing just that so that you’ll be clicking along, shouting ‘HOUSE!’ with the rest of them in lighting speed!
Know the key differences
The fact is, there aren’t actually many differences between the two forms of the game. The main and most obvious of course is the fact that one is played virtually and one takes place in a bingo hall. The basic principles are the same and the rules are generally the same, yet instead of marking off the numbers yourself, the computer will usually do it for you (though many sites offer you the option for you to change this and do it yourself manually). The numbers are drawn randomly when using a reputable site that use a Random Number Generator (RNG).
Learn the bingo lingo
Learning the ‘bingo lingo’ is a great idea for getting more out of the game in terms of actual player experience and cash rewards. Experienced players will use keyboard shortcuts and bingo slang to chat quickly with other players and this can be a great way of communicating as well as learning about upcoming rooms, sites and cash opportunities. Why not get clued up with bingo lingo ?
Take advantage of the online communities
As briefly mentioned above, getting involved with the online bingo community can be useful for a number of reasons and can be highly beneficial when developing your own game. It can give you that social aspect of the game that is so appealing in the traditional form of bingo, as you can chat on things like user forums, web chats and chat rooms with other players. This is also one of the tactics that some of the bingo pros use to get ahead of the game and learn all about new opportunities, as you can share tips and tricks of new sites, rooms and offers across the web. You can talk to people from all over the globe online which is an advantage you certainly wouldn’t get in a bingo hall! Some users would also most likely be more than happy to help you out if you are struggling which can be a lot quicker than asking the actual site for assistance.
More Like Gaming Than Gambling
Lottery tickets have always been freely available in most countries, apart from those US states and Arab nations where gambling is illegal, but even those areas now enjoy opportunities to play the game, thanks to the availability of lottery tickets online. Websites offer a dedicated online lottery page, enabling Arab citizens to join in the game and enjoy winning chances from many international lotteries.
Spending Less to Win More
Buying lottery tickets online is also popular due to the extras available which can bring more tickets for the money and reduce that overall spend on the game. Even in places where there are plenty of lottery booths and no restrictions, more lottery players are choosing to make purchases online to access bonuses, such as extra tickets, discounts for buying more tickets or for having a regular payment method set up. A traditional store selling lottery tickets only offers the set price per ticket and cannot match this kind of offer, so accessing the online method is not just an extra bonus in itself to players from Arab nations, it can also bring additional bonuses for everyone.
Reducing the Gambling Risk
Buying a lottery ticket online can also reduce the risk of gambling addiction, as a limit can be set for a monthly payment to purchase a chosen number of lottery tickets. These tickets are then entered into the chosen international lottery draw. Sites allow you to set your limit and you only pay for the tickets you purchase for your chosen draw – there’s no e-wallet of bonuses which can only be spent on gambling. It’s then a case of waiting for the numbers to be drawn and hopefully a celebratory email to arrive, rather than drawing on funds you may not have, enabling players to avoid feeding traditional gambling appetites which tend to become all-encompassing in the heat of the conventional online gambling moment.
Increasing the Chance of a Win from an Online Lottery Ticket
Finally, having an online lottery ticket also increases your chances to win through having a legitimate claim because you, along with your tickets, are in the system. Playing the lottery game can be kept a purely personal pleasure as there’s no ticket left laying around! It also means the ticket can’t be lost or picked up and claimed by someone else - because those numbers are registered to you in your purchase via the online system. As long as you keep checking your emails, you can be sure of being notified of a win, even if you’ve been unable to check your numbers yourself!
So, for a winning edge using technology and the freedom of accessing the local lottery games of other nations, Arab citizens are turning to online lottery tickets as a favoured way to play responsibly whilst gaining extra chances to win for doing so!
Best phones for mobile gambling in 2016
iPhone 6s
Bearing that in mind the astounding popularity of the iPhone, its refined featured and the technical excellence provided by Apple, it is hardly surprising that iPhone 6s is the first phone on this list. There practically isn’t a mobile casino that doesn’t feature an iOS version, whether we’re talking about a website optimisation or a native app. Moreover, with its improved optimisation capabilities, using iPhone 6s is a guarantee that your mobile casino experience will be smooth, fast and hassle-free. The 2GB of RAM certainly help, especially when the games in question are more demanding. Apple introduced the new 64-bit A9 chip in order to make the performance a lot faster. When it comes to graphics intensive apps, Apple promises that the new chipset will deliver a 90% faster gaming experience. All of the above are more than sufficient reasons to list the latest iPhone as one of the best phones for mobile gambling in 2016.
Samsung Galaxy S7
Samsung Galaxy is probably iPhones arch-rival and one of the very few Android phones that can actually be compared to the iPhone. Samsung Galaxy S7 is by far the best Samsung model for mobile gambling. When we talk of Samsung Galaxy S7, we also include S7 edge as part of the same series. This model features an amazing 5.1” Quad HD AMOLED display which supports a 1440 by 2560 resolution and dual-pixel technology. The edge version features a 5.5” screen. It clearly features one of best displays available on the market. A sharp screen is definitely important, but so are other features and S6 performs well in other segments as well. The Galaxy S7 comes with a 2.15GHz or a 1.6GHz Quad-core processor. It also has 4GB of RAM. With these features, the Samsung Galaxy S6, and the subsequent versions, is definitely one of the best mobile gambling devices available in 2016.
HTC 10
Many expert and regular users rate HTC 10 as the second best Android phone available this year, after Galaxy S7. This phone is also very good for mobile gambling. It features a 5.2” quad HD Display and has a Unidbody design. It also has 4GB RAM and an 820 CPU Snapdragon. Sound effects can be very important when it comes to mobile gambling and the HTC 10 features a great high resolution audio features. It comes with a new, state-of-the-art BoomSound Hi-Fi Speakers and Hi-Res earphones. It’ll definitely be one of the top choices for this year. The best processor available for this phone is the Dual-core 2.15 GHz Kryo. With all these features, HTC definitely deserves to be included in this prestigious list.
Huawei P9
Huawei P9 is definitely the best Huawei phone so far. Many people were sceptical at first, but nowadays Huawei has to be considered as one of the best and most affordable smartphone brands. The P9 is powered by a Kirin CPU and that is nothing new, as all of their phones have been powered by Kirin. It has a 3GB RAM which is enough and will provide a smooth gambling experience. The screen is good with a 1080p panel and its size is 5.2”. It may not be as impressive as some of the other phones listed above, but it’ll definitely get the job done without a lot of hassle.
What Type of Poker Player Are You?
If you are one of the avid poker players, playing the game for fun or to risk the possibility of earning real cash, then you probably belong to one of the types of poker players. There are millions of players worldwide working so hard to master and enjoy poker. To become a better player when playing at any casino online, you have to know the types of poker players and decide whether in what type do you fit. There are 4 types of poker player – the Chameleon, Loose aggressive, Loose passive, Tight aggressive and the Tight passive. So, what type of poker player are you?
1. Loose aggressive
The loose aggressive players frequently raise and bet and loves to play many hands. Pro poker players commonly use this type of strategy in big tournaments for greater success. However, loose aggressive players have high risks of losing a lot of money especially if used by inexperienced players.
Strengths: make opponents wrongly assume, great bluffs, difficult to read, very intimidating. Weaknesses: high risk of losing quickly.
2. Loose passive
The Loose passive players rarely raise and bet but, they players a lot of opening hands. This style of play usually used by beginners. Loose passive players do not bet when they hit the flop for they’re afraid of loosing the opponents chance of betting and fold. They usually call for bets when miss the flop or every time their opponent bluffing. It is a slow but sure gaming strategy.
Strengths: can make the opponent aggravate, difficult to read, good at slow gaming Weaknesses: impossible to make great profits in online poker, weak betting patterns, susceptible to chillers
3. Tight Aggressive
This type of player has a very strong betting pattern or playing style. These players are very powerful and usually used as playing style by many professional players in great casinos in Vegas.
Strengths: conservative, very consistent, very intimidating. Weaknesses: very easy to bluff and to read.
4. Tight passive
This is the weakest style of all four. They could be a powerful rival against aggressive players.
Strengths: very conservative, good at slow gaming. Weaknesses: very easy to read, easy to bluff and bully, usually surpass the most.
5. Chameleon This is the strongest style and very hard to read. It's always changing and powerful in both tournament play and cash game. Only a few players belong to this type for it is very challenging to master. Chameleon players are intellectual, have a good memory, photographic memories and very strong intuition.
Strengths: always changing, hardest to read, very adaptive, best at the bluffs and slow playing, very intimidating.
Weaknesses: extremely hard to master.